Who Just Wants a Little Swim?, 2022

Pastel on paper, freely mounted
Frame: Alder, blue lacquered, ArtGlas AR70 2mm
Leaf size (H x W): 29.7 x 42.0 cm
Frame size (H x W): 35.9 x 48.2 cm
unique piece

Lot number: 11
Minimum bid: 1.400,- EUR / Estimated price: 3.000,- to 4.000,- EUR


©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
© Pirje Mykkänen / Finnish National Gallery
© Simon Fujiwara
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  • Simon Fujiwara
  • The work of Simon Fujiwara proposes a unique view into the mechanics of identity construction and the ‘industry of the individual’ in contemporary life. His works emerge from a personal grappling with the contradictions inherent in our social and political lives, and infuse potent subjects with humor, fantasy, curiosity and irreverence. In his most ambitious projects that range from a full reconstruction of the Anne Frank House (Hope House, 2016–18) to the “re-branding campaign” for his former high school art teacher after a nude media scandal (Joanne, 2016), Fujiwara deftly navigates culturally complex topics with enigmatic and surprising approaches that broaden conversations and avoid didacticism. Through his multiple formal strategies, Fujiwara is able to use the tools of our hyper-mediated world—from advertising, museum making to theme park design—to hold a distorted mirror to our contemporary, liberal societies possessed with spectacle, fantasy and authenticity. Fujiwara is the recipient of the 2010 Baloise Prize at Art Basel and the 2010 Frieze Cartier Award. He was shortlisted for the Preis der Nationalgalerie 2019.
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